Content: Are you asking the wrong questions?
You know the mysterious dance that happens sometimes in your small or medium-sized enterprise. A prospect contacts you, wanting something very specific.
And then…
They list the details and all the specifications. Yes, we have that. We can do that for you.
You show them exactly what they have described. Exactly.
And then they can’t decide.
And walk away.
- What just happened?
Does your content ask the questions that need to be asked?
There’s a link missing in the pathway to
making a decision.
Something is missing. But what?
It could be many things you can’t influence. But maybe there’s something you can.
What are you assuming prospects actually know?
- Sometimes it’s described as expert blindness. You’re the expert. The one with the experience and insight into your business and how it all works.
You’re the one who sees the big picture.
- Have you ever had the response: ‘O boy, I didn’t think of that?’ When it comes to your clients, they’re in the space: ‘You don’t know what you don’t know.’
One big mistake SMEs make is what you leave out of the conversation.
There are questions that need to be answered, but no-one has asked them.
Does your content answer questions that need to be asked?
The ‘O boy, I didn’t think of that’ questions?
Start asking the right questions
My friend pointed to the windows where she was installing new security screens.
She was deciding between 2 companies. The company she liked sells at a top price point, and markets heavily on their reputation for providing security. I’ve got those screens.
This security feature was on the top of her list of priorities.
But where we live, summer days are sultry and still. Here, capturing every possible breeze really makes a difference.
The salesman confirmed the products’ security credentials. And that’s what my friend wanted to hear.
But nobody asked about airflow.
What’s not said in the advertising is that these screens reduce airflow by a much larger percentage than their nearest rival. It’s a design trade-off thing. Unsurprisingly, it’s a big downside the company doesn’t feature.
The rival company rep did not discuss their airflow advantage when he did a quote. Their mistake.
Their bigger picture expertise would have helped make a more informed decision.
I asked the airflow question when I had my quote done, but then happily accepted the salesperson’s answer of “there’s really not much difference…”.
It was what I wanted to hear.
- So it was assumed there was no real downside to this product.
It was a year later when I was getting an air conditioner installed that the electrician commented: “these screens block out about 50% of the breeze compared to the other mob…people don’t realise it till they’re installed. They like the security idea.”
So now I know.
For your clients, how valuable is a bigger perspective when it comes to making a decision?
This is real value you can offer. When you’ve been in this field so long, it can be hard to relate to the perspective of someone who knows nothing about your area. Hard to see the content gems.
It’s time to get out of the fog of expert blindness.
Do something with all that tacit knowledge you just carry around every day.
Here’s how to find those questions:
Start from square one.
- What do your clients need to know before they make a decision?
- Start making the list.
- Start preparing the questions.
- And the answers.
- Think big picture-if other businesses can help solve the problem, say so.
- Now you’ve created a resource. How can you package up all this info? And where can you use these content gems?
You’re creating content of high perceived value.
How are you going to use and share that content?